Sasol Wax is a leading specialist company  for natural and synthetic  paraffin wax as well as  wax-related products. 

Sasol Wax is  a world- wide  wax producer and their  head office in Hamburg  and production facilities  Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Egypt,  South Africa  and  America.

Sasol Wax is  producing  Paraffin wax, Fisher-Tropsch waxes, Microcrystalline wax, Brighstock Slack wax, Slack wax, Petroleum jelly, White Oil, Bitumen Modifiye, Waxy Oil and Synthetic waxes.

Sasol Waxes   major raw material for the production of candles but also has many other application  industries such as rubber & tires chipboard, food-processing and packaging cosmetics,  pharmaceuticals,  adhesive , inks, paints & coatings, synthetic textiles as well as in road works and many others.

Sar Chemicals  Ltd  has been distributing   Sasol  Wax products   since 2000 in Turkey .

For more information  about Sasol Wax , you can visit  below link

Product Name Manufacturers Description PDF MSDS
Sasolwax H1 SASOLWAX Fischer Trops Wax
Sasolwax 3971 SASOLWAX Mikrokristaline wax
Sasolwax 5603 SASOLWAX Microkristaline Wax
Sasolwax 5805 SASOLWAX Microkristaline Wax